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2 Year Olds


Our 2-year-olds have their own homebase – a room all to themselves - and an outdoor space too!

Children can attend mornings (8.45 am – 11.45 am) or all day (8.45am – 2.45 pm). Children need to bring their own packed lunch if they are staying all day.

Click here to request a place

Some families may be entitled to 15 hours, free, early years education and care. Please visit to find out if your 2-year-old child is eligible. If you are not entitled to free funding, your 2-year-old can still attend our nursery for a cost of £15 per session.

We also have a breakfast and afterschool club so we are able to offer childcare from 7.45am to 5.15pm to wrap around your core sessions.






Breakfast Club

(1 hour)

7.45am – 8.45am

Morning Session

(3 hours)

8.45am – 11.45am

Full Day Session

(6 hours)

8.45am – 2.45pm

Early After School Club

(1 hour)

2.45pm – 3.45pm

Late After School Club

(1 hour)

3.45 – 4.45pm

Extended Afterschool Club

(30 minutes)

4.45 – 5.15pm

Any additional hours over your 15/30 hours entitlement will be charged at £5 per hour (£2.50 for Extended Afterschool Club)