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Staying Safe - Safeguarding and e-safety for Parents

We take the safety of our children extremely seriously at Boston Nursery School.

We help children to keep themselves safe through our practical curriculum where we learn about how to take care of ourselves and wash our hands, how to play nicely with each other and share, we know how to stay safe on our walks in the community. We do lots of cooking, so we know how to stay safe in the kitchen.

If you are worried about your child or any other children then please come in and speak to us straight away or contact Lincolnshire Children Safeguarding Board on 01522 782111.

As a school, we have a moral duty of care to ensure that any concerns or incidents of suspected abuse or harm are reported to Lincolnshire Safeguarding Children Partnership (LSCP) without delay.

If you have any safeguarding concerns about children you can talk to:

Ella Masterton - Designated Safegguarding Lead or Laura Cook -Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead

There is some information below that may help you talk about keeping safe with your child. The NSPCC are running a PANTS campaign, there is a book for parents, for children and also the booklet is available for autistic children, children with additional needs and in Latvian, Lithuanian, Polish and Russian.

Please see the attachment below for our Parent Information leaflet about the Prevent Strategy.


Children are accessing the internet more and at a younger age than ever before. Just like you teach children how to be safe in the real world, it is important we keep them safe online too.

There are some books that you can share with your children that will introduce the idea of keeping safe on computers and other devices. Digiduck and Smartie the Penguin are picture books you can share with your child. You can download them from the links Smartie the Penguin even has a parents guide with questions you can ask as you read the story.

ChildNet have lots of useful information for parents about keeping children safe online

There is also some other information and links that you may find useful.

Kidsmart have lots of e-safety tips and information for parents has the latest information on the sites you like to visit, mobiles and new technology. Find out what’s good, what’s not and what you can do about it. If you look after young people there’s an area for you too – with resources you can use in the classroom or at home. Most importantly, there’s also a place which anyone can use to report if they feel uncomfortable or worried about someone they are chatting to online

Recent evidence reveals ‘the average parent will share their child’s image online nearly 1000 times before their fifth birthday (The Parent Zone, 2015). Are you a ‘sharent’? Before you share again, take a look at Seven safer ways to share photos of your child.

Parental Controls

Here is a short video you may find useful about setting parental controls

Gaming guides

Screen Time tips